1.我拍的不是照片,我拍的是生活的快乐。I didn't take a picture, I took a picture of the joy of life.
2.生命不长也不短,刚刚够用来好好看看这个世界。Life is neither long nor short, just enough to have a good look at the world.
3.我心里数不清的伤疤,都在告诫,我不要太天真。The countless scars in my heart are warning me not to be too naive.
4.真的好想好想你,但我张不了嘴我们没话说。I really miss you, but I can't open my mouth. We have nothing to say.
5.没有白走的路,对错都会有我的脚印。There is no road in vain, there will be my footprints on both right and wrong.
6.小得圆满,才是人生佳境。Small enough to be perfect is the best place in life.
7.不要去试图定义,要学会去感受。Don't try to define, learn to feel.
8.在追梦路上遇到的坎坷从来不是终点,弄丢了初心才是。The frustrations encountered in the pursuit of dreams are never the end, but the loss of the original heart is.
9.热爱这件事,永远都不会老。If you love it, you will never grow old.
10.如果悲伤是一种颜料,我就会变成一种很暗淡的画作。If sadness is a kind of paint, I will become a very dull painting.
11.知足是你最好的财富,平和是你最好的状态。Contentment is your best wealth, and peace is your best state.